User’s info website along with all its language versions is a sole intellectual property of LAVENA PLC.
LAVENA PLC reserves the right to modify the published information without prior notice.
Bebble is a registered trademark of LAVENA PLC. No licenses or other user rights on the brand Bebble contained in this website could be granted to a third party and therefor can not be used without prior written consent of the owner. The company LAVENA PLC reserves the right to take legal action in case of any infringement of its intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, in cases of criminal acts. The reproduction of documents published on the website is authorized for information purposes only and in case of use for strictly personal matters. Any other use of such reproductions, including among other things, their use for commercial purposes, is strictly prohibited unless by prior written consent of LAVENA PLC.
All information available via this website is provided on the “as it is” basis. LAVENA PLC provides no warranty, either explicitly or imputably, and assumes no liability in respect to access to or use of this website, including any misuses or viruses that can damage computer equipment or other property belonging to the User.
LAVENA PLC is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided on this website, or any errors or omissions it may contain. The User is solely responsible for the use of such information.
Information obtained via should not be an argument for any personal, medical, legal and / or financial decisions. Each user should consult an appropriate professional when in need of assistance for a specific situation.
LAVENA PLC is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses, regardless of their causes, origins, nature or consequences, arising as a result of access to the website, inflicted to or by anyone, or due to the inability to access the website, and the same applies to the use of the website herein and / or any reference sources of information obtained directly or indirectly from the latter.
The User agrees to not display on this website any information that could give rise to civil or criminal liability, and to this end the User agrees to not publicize any illegal information or information that weakens reputation or is defamatory in nature, as well as any information that violates and / or abuses the law and the public order via this website.
LAVENA PLC is not responsible for the content of photos, comments, and other materials and information published on the pages of this website made by individuals or other legal entities. LAVENA PLC is not responsible for the actions of its users, should they have used the services of the website by lawful or unlawful ways according to the instructions herein alike.
No website outside LAVENA PLC containing a link to this website is under the control of LAVENA PLC, therefor the company disclaims all liability associated with other websites’ contents or compositions. Under no circumstances do links to other websites constitute an approval for or a partnership between the company LAVENA PLC and any of those websites. Furthermore, any of these websites is subject to its own conditions of use and privacy protection policies.
Access to the website
LAVENA PLC reserves the right to modify, terminate, suspend or interrupt access to the entire website or portions thereof (including, among other things, the composition of the website, its content, functionality or periods of availability) at any time for any reason and at its discretion without prior notice.
Personal data
LAVENA PLC is a registered operator of personal data with the Personal Data Protection Commission under registration number 4498 and is liable to collect and process personal information of its website users.
Information obtained via any of this website’s databases can not be provided to third parties, except if required by the designated governmental authorities or in accordance with the local legislation regulations.
LAVENA PLC can collect and store certain information regarding how visitors use this website, such as date and time of access, browser’s type and language, IP-address of the User’s computer, number of visits, pages visited, previous / subsequent sites visited and length of sessions. LAVENA PLC does not collect any unique information about its website Users (eg. name, email address, etc.), except with their knowledge and explicit consent.
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Last updated in June 2018.
Contact LAVENA PLC:, +359 54 850138.
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